Monday, April 30, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Run For The Arts
So the kids were all excited about this Run for the Arts day, however, Matthew missed school on Monday because he has had a nasty cough/cold and Tuesday morning I felt it was rather questionable that he would even go to school and run. But he wanted to go, so there was lots of cough medicine and and away we went. Mason and I hung around so we could cheer the kids on and the kindergartner's 5th grade buddies got to come out and cheer them on as well. And can I say how damn proud I was of Matthew, who I told to maybe only walk one or two laps, ended up running 6 laps and has the marks on his arm to prove it! (ok, so he did have to walk some of the time, but still!) That was a mile and a half, and I will be first to say I am certainly not going to be running laps when I'm all congested and coughing! So yeah for Matthew!! Actually, throughout it all, I was quite feeling the motherly pride with all the kindergartners, as they all took this very seriously and did such a fabulous job.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
The Dentist

Monday, April 16, 2007
Oh yes...I qualify!!!!

See....I won an award!!!! Just kidding!!! I actually recently started reading this blog and saw this lovely award and felt I was quite deserving myself. My special qualifications for such recognition includes not achieving daily goals/chores because it's more important to be on the computer checking out other people's lives (read: blogs), very rarely commenting on said blogs since I really am busy and should be getting x, y, and z done, and also often not answering/acknowledging comments on my own blog. ( I swear angel jem I will respond one of these days!). So for these reasons and more, I nominated myself and won! Of course plenty of people can I understand anyone is welcome to copy the button and list your reasons for being an award winning guilty blogger!
Monday, April 09, 2007
Sugar Hangover??
On a side note, Mason has done so well with his big boy bed! Apparently, we caged him for too long in the crib (although I still sometimes think I would like to keep him there until he is 21!) but he loves his bed and actually stays in it when he wakes up until I come and get him. Yay!!!! So far, so good, because I was sure we were about to have a party boy at 3 a.m. every night.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Signs of Spring
These pics were taken last week....if I would have taken pictures yesterday since it was absolutely gorgeous ....completely sunny and 77 degrees out! The downer of course is that Andy and I are both miserable with a nasty cold. So the kids were outside enjoying the sunshine but Andy and I sat inside and complained, a lot! :) Hopefully we will both feel much better by tomorrow and hopefully the kids feel good too. (so far, so good on the kid front) Happy Spring and Happy Easter everybody!!
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Big Boy Bed!!

So today the big boy bed was delivered and assembled and I have a very excited boy!! :) Mason immediately demanded all his crib paraphernalia to be placed on his bed and was disappointed that we had to leave right away to take Matthew to school. But he informed me that we would come back right after dropping Matthew off to "sit on my new bed!". So far we are trying out a nap on it (at the moment he isn't sleeping but I'm trying to be patient!) and we will see how night time goes....I actually am a bit nervous for this because we have had almost 2 years of restful nights but we paid for that with Mason's first year. Seriously, he didn't sleep through the night consistently until he was about 13 months old! He still doesn't really sleep through the night....often at 3 am if I wake up I will hear him playing in his crib. So now I'm hoping he will be willing to stay in his bed (or at least his room) during the night. The truth of how this all works out will be revealed in a couple of weeks...meaning if I'm totally exhausted, he isn't cooperating!