All about my crabby life with crazy children and crabby people! Well, kind of....
I still can't get over how fast ten years went by. (and it seems even faster since we had kids!) It's amazing how much has changed, such as becoming parents, job changes, responsibility etc. On the other hand, some things haven't changed. I am still continually amazed and impressed at the man I married. I am still thrilled that I married my best friend! And I still look forward to growing old with him and sharing our lives together. Happy 10 year anniversary Andy, I love you! xoxo
And....check out who else is celebrating their 10 year anniversary!!! :) Happy anniversary Amber & Andrew!!
Mason loves when either one of us play on the Wii Fit. This particular evening, he was begging Andy to play just so he could play along. When you watch the video, you will probably hear my laughter in the background. I just found it all quite funny on that day and you know that when you are trying to be quiet, laughter is even more immanent!