Saturday, February 24, 2007

Just some pics....

These were taken on Valentine's Day....

This was a couple of weeks ago when Pubby was enjoying Mason's bear, she still was feeling good there but lately she hasn't been so well. We think it's her teeth and Monday she goes back into the vet for some x-rays and maybe a good tooth cleaning!

and just for fun...Matthew is learning to write!! This was also written a couple of weeks ago but cute still! It translates out to this: Dear Grandma, I don't like it when you are not home. The __ __ lines are "magic" lines for when you don't know a word. Andy and I have secretly called some of these notes "Matthew's hate mail" since he writes notes about things he isn't happy about. This particular one was written one day when Grandma Dee Dee wasn't home (she lives next door) and he was mad that he couldn't go over. So he wrote the letter and stuck it in the window and that's were I found it! :) I have also found other versions that read something like "I don't like Mason in my room" and "don't take apart my tinker toys"! His kindergarten teacher has commented about his willingness to write....oh indeed!! No wonder he wants to practice his new found skills!

1 comment:

Meegan Blue said...

Ah...the power of the written word. They sure learn it early don't they?