Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Monies $$$
Yesterday Matthew came downstairs to tell on Mason and this is pretty much how he explained it to me: "Mommy....I told Mason he could play with my very favorite hot wheel if he gives me one of his monies...and he won't do it!!!" (the "monies" being one dollar bills) Oh how they learn early and oh, how we need to have a talk!
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Just some pics....

These were taken on Valentine's Day....

This was a couple of weeks ago when Pubby was enjoying Mason's bear, she still was feeling good there but lately she hasn't been so well. We think it's her teeth and Monday she goes back into the vet for some x-rays and maybe a good tooth cleaning!

and just for fun...Matthew is learning to write!! This was also written a couple of weeks ago but cute still! It translates out to this: Dear Grandma, I don't like it when you are not home. The __ __ lines are "magic" lines for when you don't know a word. Andy and I have secretly called some of these notes "Matthew's hate mail" since he writes notes about things he isn't happy about. This particular one was written one day when Grandma Dee Dee wasn't home (she lives next door) and he was mad that he couldn't go over. So he wrote the letter and stuck it in the window and that's were I found it! :) I have also found other versions that read something like "I don't like Mason in my room" and "don't take apart my tinker toys"! His kindergarten teacher has commented about his willingness to write....oh indeed!! No wonder he wants to practice his new found skills!
Friday, February 23, 2007
It's just a phase
Recently I was trying to find the positive side of an increasingly misreable phase of Mason's life. He has really gone through a period of biting, hitting, yelling/screaming (ok, so he has always been a screamer!), and pulling hair whenever he is frustrated. Usually the object of his frustration is Matthew (imagine that!) but he isn't afraid to unleash his temper on anybody else. So I told myself (quite smugly, I might add) at least the kid doesn't scratch...that was a Matthew trick when Matthew was 2 1/2. No, no Mason may do all those other things but he doesn't scratch so we aren't doing too bad. And then the other day from the other room I hear Matthew yell.....Mommy!!! Mason's scratching me and he won't quit!! Sigh...."it's just another phase, it's just another phase, he'll get over it eventually". I hope..... ;)
Monday, February 19, 2007
GNO--Girl's Night Out.....this time it was an especially good one since I got carded!! I guess it's been awhile since someone has felt the need to check my I.D. before serving me a drink to make sure that I'm legally of age. The girls and I went to The Ram's Head for dinner, and I assume because it's dark in there at night that our server couldn't see the lovely lines around my eyes that my darling children have caused! I have to say that immediately put me in better mood...even before I had received my Lemon Drop (which by the way was very sour and very good!).
After dinner we headed over to Papa Haydn's for dessert which has been a favorite lately! Lovely desserts and us girls can chat up a storm over coffee/drinks and usually our favorite dessert 'Boccone Dolce'. Sometimes we go for a walk afterwards for some window shopping (easier on the wallet) and besides NW 23rd is always lovely at night. So I am now very full and have had a great evening...but I need to next schedule in some "fun" crafting time since I've been doing too much "duty" crafting (i.e. valentines for school etc.) maybe tomorrow .....
After dinner we headed over to Papa Haydn's for dessert which has been a favorite lately! Lovely desserts and us girls can chat up a storm over coffee/drinks and usually our favorite dessert 'Boccone Dolce'. Sometimes we go for a walk afterwards for some window shopping (easier on the wallet) and besides NW 23rd is always lovely at night. So I am now very full and have had a great evening...but I need to next schedule in some "fun" crafting time since I've been doing too much "duty" crafting (i.e. valentines for school etc.) maybe tomorrow .....
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
OT--Occupational Therapy
Matthew had his first session today with the occupational therapist. Up until now he has gotten most of his services thru the school system and this is the first time we had some kind of therapy thru the doctors office. For now he is going to go weekly and we will see what happens from there. Honestly, I wasn't 100% sure how I felt about the occupational therapy for him. It just seemed that what the doctor was focusing on was different than what I was worried about. I tend to focus on his social skills and what he is lacking but I think first they want to build some confidence in his fine motor skills and see what improvements can be made there. So I just wasn't sure that this was the route I wanted to "spend my money on" if you will. Andy pretty much felt the same way about it as I did, maybe even more so and we have spent time talking about the OT....not that he doesn't need it but more like does he need it right now.
Well, after going with him today I did see were he could benefit from the OT. The therapist did work a lot with him on his grasp when he writes with a pencil (he uses all his fingers to hold the pencil and write) and some work with strengthening the muscles in his hands. She also had him using a "grabber" to grab small toys off the floor while he was being swung in a hammock-like swing and he thought that was a lot of fun and it there again made him use his hand and arm muscles. It took a few minutes to convince him to climb by himself into that swing...he really wanted to, but his standard answer to something that looks really difficult is "I can't". So she helped him figure out a way to get into the swing with some help and by the end of the session he wasn't saying "I can't" at every new and difficult thing. Mental note: something to work on with him at home (and myself!) because he does say he can't do something a lot and I can get impatient with him because I know he can, he just hasn't tried.
So all in all, it went really well and I can see the benefits of this, so I'm pleased! And Matthew had a good time there so I can't complain about that and as long as the insurance keeps paying, I will keep sending him! ;) And of course whatever his doctor suggests we will keep in consideration. Actually Andy and I are very happy with his doctor. She hasn't given him an actual diagnosis of Aspergers but she still says he really is too young. And after our last visit with her in October she isn't fully sure yet if that's what he really has or not. She says she has seen some kids like him where they kind of "dance around" the symptoms and you can't really tell if they have it until the kids get older (more like 8 or 9 years old, if I remember right). Basically she said it could be Aspergers or it could just be some sort of delay. I've got to say I'm almost inclined to believe he does have it but we will wait and see. And quite honestly the diagnosis isn't terribly important right now (his doctor was upfront and said that too) it's more important that he can just get help for the troubles he does sometimes have and that he is happy. He is quite happy most of the time...he can be moody but I think we can all safely blame his mother for that! ;)
Ok so that's a long post and I really need to go and watch t.v. ! Seriously!! It is Wednesday...."Lost" starts back up tonight and my dvr is set to record, however, it only has 1 hour and 50 minutes of space left and I have it set to record 2 hours worth of "Lost".
Well, after going with him today I did see were he could benefit from the OT. The therapist did work a lot with him on his grasp when he writes with a pencil (he uses all his fingers to hold the pencil and write) and some work with strengthening the muscles in his hands. She also had him using a "grabber" to grab small toys off the floor while he was being swung in a hammock-like swing and he thought that was a lot of fun and it there again made him use his hand and arm muscles. It took a few minutes to convince him to climb by himself into that swing...he really wanted to, but his standard answer to something that looks really difficult is "I can't". So she helped him figure out a way to get into the swing with some help and by the end of the session he wasn't saying "I can't" at every new and difficult thing. Mental note: something to work on with him at home (and myself!) because he does say he can't do something a lot and I can get impatient with him because I know he can, he just hasn't tried.
So all in all, it went really well and I can see the benefits of this, so I'm pleased! And Matthew had a good time there so I can't complain about that and as long as the insurance keeps paying, I will keep sending him! ;) And of course whatever his doctor suggests we will keep in consideration. Actually Andy and I are very happy with his doctor. She hasn't given him an actual diagnosis of Aspergers but she still says he really is too young. And after our last visit with her in October she isn't fully sure yet if that's what he really has or not. She says she has seen some kids like him where they kind of "dance around" the symptoms and you can't really tell if they have it until the kids get older (more like 8 or 9 years old, if I remember right). Basically she said it could be Aspergers or it could just be some sort of delay. I've got to say I'm almost inclined to believe he does have it but we will wait and see. And quite honestly the diagnosis isn't terribly important right now (his doctor was upfront and said that too) it's more important that he can just get help for the troubles he does sometimes have and that he is happy. He is quite happy most of the time...he can be moody but I think we can all safely blame his mother for that! ;)
Ok so that's a long post and I really need to go and watch t.v. ! Seriously!! It is Wednesday...."Lost" starts back up tonight and my dvr is set to record, however, it only has 1 hour and 50 minutes of space left and I have it set to record 2 hours worth of "Lost".
The pictures are from a light dusting of snow we had before the last snow pictures. It thrilled the boys and then later in the day it got very sunny and beautiful (but cold) out and Matthew got to stay home from school that day. I figured it was a perfect day to bake a cranberry/almond coffee cake!
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Sick Days

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