Oh and did I mention this place had only been open nine days before we got there?! Our room was actually fine. But Andy had a couple of conversations with people whose rooms were not fine and some even still had construction going on next door to them. But let me chat about the food options. Or lack of. O.k. so they have a grill/restaurant that was decent. But it doesn't serve breakfast. The breakfast choices pretty much was up to the "buffet". I am not real keen on "buffet" food... and we ended up having it for dinner the first night we were there and it pretty much made something like Old Town Buffet seem rather gourmet. It was terrible!!!! When Andy and I had lunch in the grill/normal restaurant, we were chatting with the bartender and another employee and they said basically that they were having trouble keeping people on the job and hired! Another employee told us that they "still had a few kinks to work out". Never a good sign. And do keep in mind, this little town didn't have much more to offer in the way of food. Oh, there was a McDonald's attached to a gas station....yum, yum!
We figured we would actually go back again, when the staff is a little more together and would probably do like Meegan did (yes, they were there too! What a fun surprise!) and come up and just stay one night. You can go in the waterpark early, before you check into your room, and you can stay in the waterpark later the next day after you check out. And head back to Centralia when you need food!
So we came home on Thursday, and it was snowing on and off. It snowed while we were at the waterpark too but that is indoors and warm and I didn't care as much. But by Thursday afternoon, I had had enough of being cold. Little did I know, I would still be dealing with the cold even today! argggghhh....not liking snow at all at this point!
Oh and here is a fun one, we knew before we left that our outdoor kitty "Cozzy" wasn't feeling well. He was just kind of acting under the weather but we figured wellllll we will take him to the vet if need be when we get back. We got back and we realized later that evening that he wasn't eating or drinking. Not good. So Friday morning Andy calls the vet and we manage for a 3 p.m. appointment. Well, the cat didn't make it to that appointment. Andy came home from work early to take Cozzy and we had to search for him in the garage (I had kept him locked in there and it's were he usually sleeps anyway). Couldn't find him right away, but when we did, he was against the back wall and already stiff. Pet deaths suck and I have to say, this one caught us completely off guard. I'll have to do another post later with a few pictures of Coz.
So Andy took Coz to the vet anyway to have him cremated and we will get his ashes back in a couple of days. (That was a fun one to explain to the kids too!) Poor Matthew had a rough night on Friday with that one. And to top it all off, I was hoping for a bit of good luck for the weekend--totally wishful thinking, on Saturday Matthew had a nasty earache. To the point were on Saturday night he was doing nothing but crying and working himself up just about to hysterics. Lucky for me (and Matthew) I remembered I had kept the bottle of (prescription) eardrops from the last time the boys had bad ear infections. Plenty of Motrin and eardrops for Matthew the rest of the weekend and I was actually sure I wouldn't send Matthew to school today but he seemed ok to go. We even went to gymnastics like normal so maybe it will heal on its own. I am hoping.....
So it is official. This spring break sucked. And I do not want a repeat of that anytime soon!

And just for fun....these were taken at the end of the school week, just before spring break started. Mason had actually had a minor incident at preschool were he managed to cut himself on his finger. It was a pretty good cut, and really required the band-aid to be on at all times for awhile, which was problematic for Mason until we dug out the "Tattoo" bandages. These things are genius! And then Mason was more then happy to show off his "ouch"!
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