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So when I was a kid I am almost certain that we did not celebrate being in school for 100 days (maybe in this day of school budget shortfalls it is something to be celebrated but I guess that's a whole other subject!). But apparently it is a thing to celebrate, particularly for the kindergarten set and so I volunteered for the classroom that day. (Someone actually volunteered to take Mason, Thanks Kate!) There was a huge air of excitement that day and although I actually do enjoy being in the classroom and helping out with the kids, this day was particularly fun! The kids had their 5th grade buddies with them and started off the day making a "fruit loop" necklace with of course 100 fruit loops. I helped set up the tables with Karin (Robert's mom) and there were art projects, books, "100" goggles that they could decorate, and a snack they made with 10 different ingredients so it equaled out to 100. It was very cute and sweet and the 5th graders actually really made a difference in keeping everything from getting too chaotic. Besides, the 5th graders were a bit subdued anyway since on that Friday they were celebrating Dr. Suess's birthday and they got to come to school in comfy reading clothes...i.e. slippers, p.j.'s, whatever. I wish I would have thought to bring my camera with me but I obviously forgot so I had to make do with a picture of Matthew at home, afterschool. 
Cute, huh?!!! This all took place on March 1st but I still just had to blog about it!! The Fruit Loop necklace is on Matthew along with his pretzel necklace. On that day of school the kids needed to bring in any sort of collection of 100 things. Matthew originally wanted to bring in 100 pennies but I really wanted something that he had to work a little harder at. So I encouraged him to make a popcorn necklace (and yes I had visions of us happily stringing popcorn together...which I should have know that it wouldn't have been so fun or happy) but me being quite the procrastinator that week, I waited until the last minute and wouldn't you know we did not have one popcorn seed in the house. That is a total and unbelievable sin, considering my husband is a total popcorn freak!! So a quick last minute change of plans evolved into a pretzel necklace and it actually worked out pretty good.
It's finally spring running around this Monday morning!! No trying to find everyone's shoes and get out the door on panicking that we are going to be late for school and what to fix for dinner! (as for dinner...yes I still have to cook it but at least it's at a much more leisurely pace than what is normal for a Monday) We don't even have a whole lot planned for this week....sure there are projects I would like to get done but I've decided I'm going to (try) not to panic about any of them! Matthew was really sick over the weekend (fever and throwing up, oh joy!) so not a whole lot got done there either. I'm kind of waiting to see if Mason is going to come down with whatever it was Matthew had (which by the way he feels much better and is currently over at Grandma Dee Dee's playing) but so far Mason seems to be just his normal self. I'll post pictures later....:)

My husband and my dad are upstairs right now working on my bathroom and this ...quite frankly, is how I plan on helping out!! :) Cute tea mug huh?? It was a Christmas present from a friend and it is my favorite tea cup. And yes, I drink my tea in different cups from my coffee mugs... :)
Yesterday we had Robert and Clara over in the morning to play while their mom was at the school helping out in her oldest son's class. I didn't hardly see Matthew and Robert the whole time since they went upstairs and played in Matthew's room. Before they finally came down for lunch they were apparently cleaning up and after they ate Matthew informed me that they did clean up his room and he (Matthew) paid Robert to do it!! He gave him a dollar to clean up!! Silly me....I thought we had the money issues covered during the last talk we had!