It has been forever (or it sure seems like it anyway!) since we have had a good snowstorm in Portland! I don't know that Matthew has seen much snow and Mason has never had snow like this. But last week when it started snowing on Tuesday we figured there would be no school (only it took the school district a while to figure that one out but that's a whole other story!) and sure enough, Matthew had the day off! Since there was quite a bit of snow falling Andy decided to "work" from home (not much got done!) and the kids where treated to a morning in the falling snow with daddy. I think they would have happily done without mom there taking pictures but then who would have captured the fun on the camera? Anyway, Matthew and Andy both made plenty of snow angels and Mason seemed to just marvel in all the falling snow. And then both boys (or should I say all three?) had a great time learning to make snowballs and throwing them at mommy. I should have known that would happen!

In the end the snow was pretty dry so it didn't make very good snowballs but on Wednesday when the temp. was starting to warm up a bit the snow became wetter and Matthew got his wish to make a snowman. And lucky for me, Grandma came to the rescue with the all important carrot for the nose. Obviously baby carrots were not going to be good enough for this snowman!

Well, blow me down some snow flakes! This is hilarious! What a neat site! what a great way to keep up with the family! My cup over flows with love for your family! Brings back memories of all the energy our boys had and all of the wet snow that came back into the house. Wet gloves, wet galoushes, wet coats, pink cheeks and red noses, etc. Days go by fast..... enjoy them all, every second!
Much love to all, Ray and Jean
Your snow beats ours - great snowman boys!
That is THE best snowman! How did you keep your snow so white?
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