I haven't posted for awhile since I forgot my password and just didn't get around to finding it out!! anyway.... I had meant to at least put a few pictures up from Melinda's birthday party at Pump it Up! I almost cringe to admit that her party was the 6th trip this year that we made to Pump it Up. But the kids love it and it tires them out so who can complain about that?! I did include the picture of Matthew with one of his three girlfriends! Of course his first love is still Francie in his class and he is still in love with Teacher Stephanie at gymnastics but he also really loves Kylie (Melinda's sister)! As soon as she showed up to the party Matthew stuck to her side like glue!
The pics of Matthew, Mason, and Skyler up at the top were taken when Skyler spent a couple of days at our house when Skyler didn't have to go to school. And the patience tester picture? I don't think I even need to explain! Although kudos to my lovely girlfriend Crystal who discovered the shirt. Even her own 5-year old knew exactly who that shirt was for!!
oh yeah....I changed the template/background back to what I originally had for my blog and strangely an entry that I couldn't get to post earlier (from back in October) now posted!! I don't know what that was all about (don't think I really care) but check it out. Something about birthday meanings ...I read andy's out loud to him and at first he was amused and then I think he was a bit disturbed as his fit him completely!! hee hee.....:)
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