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It's official, I am no longer the parent of small children. I have gradeschool aged children. Mason graduates from preschool tomorrow and while I am mostly excited for him to move on to kindergarten, I think I get to be a little bit sad for one day at how quickly time is flying by. It's strange because that preschool has pretty much been a part of his life since he was only a couple of months old. First with just tagging along as his big brother went there, and then getting his own experiences at preschool. I am much more confident of his future in gradeschool, way more so than I was with Matthew. Partly due to Matthew's social struggles and partly that was the fear of the unknown, having no clue what gradeschool would bring. But we have had so many positive experiences with the gradeschool and I love it there. Wouldn't dream of sending my kids anywhere else. And it will be nice to have both of them under the same roof, only one school to devote my fundraising loyalties to, one school to juggle activities to. Not to say that there won't be a fair amount of classroom time juggling with both kids, that's bound to happen. But for the next couple of years we just have to concentrate on one place. Unfortunately, that does mean leaving the safe, protective, and oh so very sweet environment of the preschool. And I can only hope he likes his kindergarten teacher as well as he likes his preschool teacher, as excited as he is to start kindergarten, he is also already talking about how we must go visit "Teacher Amy" too! **sigh** Yes, I am feeling a bit sappy. But summer is almost here (gotta love summer and it's less hectic-ness!), and it's already here for Mason! I think my whole little family is ready to move forward with plans and dreams (and vacations!) but tomorrow is graduation and playtime at the preschool! We will see how well I manage to hold it together. ;) Look for pictures later of Mason graduating, I'm sure there will be some sort of silliness involved! The pictures below were taken on Monday, his last day of school. And for fun, I was just looking back on his first day.... ;) 

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there! Today started out quite nice...Andy brought me coffee, then made me a Mimosa(!), then he made breakfast while the boys gave me a card, a cookbook I have been wanting, and Matthew had a little poster he made for me. Mason had a lovely flower pot and card he had given me on Friday. And then, Matthew had a song to sing to me. It was so darn cute!! You may have to turn up the volume on the video since he doesn't sing very loud. :)