Although, clearly, Old Man Winter has lost his marbles and didn't realize winter wasn't supposed to start until today!!! Somewhere, there must have been a little miscommunication because we have had just nasty weather for the last week. (And quite frankly, while I'm crabbin', he kinda forgot to let up last June. It was freezing on the last day of school!!) Anyway, the weather outside may be a bit frightful and downright frigid, but there is always a little entertainment to be had.

So do you like Matthew's drum set? And how about Mason's microphone as he is the 'singer'?! After all that work, lunch was in order:
Followed by Andy's realization that he just simply needed more beer. I also think it was an excuse to go check up on Grandma Dee and her cookie selection while he went over there to see if she needed anything. So off he trekked to the store and I managed a shot of him when he came home with his success: ;)
I was almost embarrassed by his beer selection, I think I would have chose differently but, whatever. He did end up giving two of his beers away to some lady with a grocery cart that wouldn't quite following him while he was trying to walk home. Apparently, she kept trying to get his attention to point out the fact that he had some beer. Gotta love SE Portland! ;) 
I made some fabulous blue cheese crackers too but I forgot to take a picture of them. They are rather dangerous because I could see getting into those by far more often than the cookies!

These two pics are of my back deck this morning....just a few drifts you see.
This is looking NE off my front porch. I'm amazed my ornaments in the foreground survived the wind from the night before. I was sure I was going to find at least one broken one this morning! My kids are rather wimpy and strange and weren't really interested in going out in the snow much. The first 2 days they wanted to go out but now they are more interested in finding entertainment inside the house. So first was a little "Rad Daddles" time:

I spent the afternoon baking....

Oh and I should mention the cats, or mainly Geusseppe. There has been evil lurking in his mind. There is evil lurking in my mind too. I haven't shown Matthew these pictures and I might just print out a copy for him and leave it in his room. Because I'm sure he doesn't want Geusseppe messing with his Webkinz! ;) 

1 comment:
sounds like a fun snow day. soup, beer, cookies...
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