Zipped up Ziti with Zucchini! So the phrase comes from one of my children's favorite books titled
"I Stink" . My kids adore this book! They love it when Andy reads it out loud with plenty of sound effects and there tends to be a lot of hollering during the story. It's about a garbage truck and his job/all that he does but it's done in a very funny way. I was reading a review of it on Amazon.com and somebody compared the garbage truck with Oscar the Grouch. If Oscar were a garbage truck, this would be him and I have to agree. In the middle of the story is a alphabet soup of garbage....It goes something like this:
Apple Cores
Banana Peels
Candy Wrappers
Dirty Diapers
Fish Heads
Gobs and Gobs of Gum
Half-Eaten Hot Dogs
Icky Ice Cream Cartons
Jam Jars
Kitty Litter
Lobster Claws
Moldy Meatballs
Nasty Neckties
Orange Peels
Puppy Poo
Quail Bones
Rotten Radishes
Smelly Sneakers
Toothpaste Tubes
Ugly Underpants
Watermelon Rinds
XL T-Shirts
Year-Old Yams
and Zipped Up Ziti with Zucchini!!
The kids totally yell the alphabet soup and one time (during the summer and the windows were all open!) the neighbor lady across the street could hear my kids screaming this alphabet and I wasn't sure if she was laughing in amusement or fear. Poor gal is pregnant too! Bet she is relieved to be having a girl!!! The really scary part of this alphabet?? I only had to check the book on I, J, and M! I have most of it memorized....along with the rest of the book and it is one of those that we have multiple copies. So Yay!!! I finished the alphabet....I wasn't sure I could/would but now I will be happy to be back to just regular blogging. For the rest of this evening I need to go work on some Christmas Cards.......